Tablets running vvvv?


we are trying to find a good multitouch tablet capable of running vvvv, including directx renderer (just for a control interface, not heavy stuff…)

we already posted in the shoutbox, but it’s probably better to start a thread here, since this might be interesting for everyone.

We found many interesting tablets, but we couldn’t find a way to make sure that they support directx 9.0c

Does anybody know what is the hardware requirement needed to have directx renderer working fine?

Will put here a few links:


the galaxy tab and the asus transformer are android, aren’t they?

the eeepad ep121 with the i5 looks good though, with presumably full win7 support it should come with directx as well, at least the screenshots look like aero. it is dual touch only, but i like the idea of the pen option.

edit: also there is the ViewSonic ViewPad 10 which has a dual boot for win7 and android. i have no further info about it but you might want to add it to the list

viewpad I’ve used a number of times and it’s perfect for vvvv control. I’ve had it boygrouped and performs well. More than capable of some basic DX9 stuff for control surfaces. quite a cheap tablet too, nice weight, nice resolution and screen.

Now, I really talk out of my a** since I have no experience on this… but apart what they say here:

my concern is: if all you can get from a Windows tablet is some basic DX9 just enough for a GUI, then why using a Windows tablet at all?

isn t it better at this point to use an Android or iOS, you can easily build up a GUI and connect it to your main Windows/vvvv box with OSC

I am pretty interested in buying soon a tablet so I ll keep an eye on tis thread


basic DX9’ing for GUIs can still have some nicer functionality than your usual OSC type controls. Boygrouping also just makes it soooo sooo sooo easy to control patches and of course you really just get to make the interface as you like it with out learning another language.

@xd_nitro: you make a point there, but I can see how W7 performs on an old machine, even >2Ghz and well… and what about battery life ?

@io - I found the performance to be fine for web browsing. That article is talking about IE which I’d never consider running as my brower. chrome ran really well, skype, thunderbird. All run fairly nicely.

the android 1.6 boot option you may as well just kill. it’s the highest version that will run on a x86 processor and just not worth going near. You can kill the boot-loader thing altogether so it just auto boots into windows.

USB ports mean you can plug mouse and keyboard in so you can still patch in vvvv easy.

@io - yeah there are a load of things you can optimise in W7 to help run faster. disabling Areo and some other windows interface options brings it all up to decent speeds. really run nice.

it’s 1.66mhz not 1 as menitoned in article.

battery life not great - x86 init. never really did any testing though as always plugged in.


from the stuff you posted Eee Slate EP121 doesn’t look too shabby and should be able to perform more than sufficient for even extensive gui usage…
just my 2 cents. ;)

@velcrome: yes galaxy tab and the asus transformer are android you are right, pretty useless for what we have in mind…
right the eeeslate is dual touch only… hmm…

the viewpad looks like a good option, can anybody confirm it is multitouch up to 10 simultaneous touches?

@xd_nitro @io: yeah we would like to build the interface in vvvv, so that it can have an advanced and bidirectional interaction with the main computer and also we dont need to learn another language… good to hear you have a good experience with the viewpad

@m4d: yes but we might prefer a full multitouch, although the pen option is nice…

@Abstract, what constitutes “advanced and bidirectional interaction” ? TouchOSC supports bidirectional interaction.

@gilbi thanks for your reply, can you give us more info about that?

we want to build an interface that rearrange itself in terms of position, number and naming of sliders/buttons etc
also for example we need to be able to move a slider on one tablet and have it updated an all the others in realtime… do you think this would be possible using TouchOSC only?
is there a maximum number of pages in touch osc?

or you can use fantastick with ipad, search/apachesolr_search/fantastick?filters=tid:1082

i really like it and with it you can draw interfaces from vvvv to fantastick, really useful

but numerous bytes writting… i think abstract birds for complex sets will surely prefer tablets with VVVV standalones…

just to make sure AB: you do know about kontrolleur and

on multiple tablet i presume you need BROADCAST ?

mrmr is enabling multiple client structure if i well remember

we want to build an interface that rearrange itself in terms of position, number and naming of sliders/buttons etc

The names and values of sliders/buttons can easily be manipulated. When you say position, if you mean move the location of the slider, then no.

also for example we need to be able to move a slider on one tablet and have it updated an all the others in realtime… do you think this would be possible using TouchOSC only?

Yes this is very easy with TouchOSC.
edit: Well not very easy, but relatively easy – you would have your vvvv patch re-broadcast messages to the other clients.

is there a maximum number of pages in touch osc?

Not really, but there is only one row of tabs so at some point adding more pages would be bad from a useability perspective. However, you can load multiple interface files on one device and switch between them, although you do have to go into settings to do so.

Coming back to gilbi suggestion about FS:

but this is completely possible with Fantastick, to re arrange as you want.
what is great with fantastick is that you program the GUI in UDP with formated orders.
This can be done in C ( i m actually doing a remote for my whitecat) or java, or any language, with UDP enabled and broadcast sending.
If the main programm remoting screening on FS is pertinent, you can easely write the GUI of your choice, and made it editable by any of users.
Main limitation actually should be in CANVAS creation, wich is quite slow when you have big amount of objects. Refreshing position par user(s) action doesnt cost too much bytes.
As pointed by gilbi in another thread, the Js commands in java script are powerfull, and you have also avaibility to send internal processed signals from the java macro to server, in UDP, formated as you want.

With the open sourcing of FS, its opening may create unexpected new evolutions.

I have to agree with karistouf, because Fantastick is my favorite app right now for creating remote interfaces. If you want to create a complex interface as quickly as possible, Fastick may be the way to go.

However, if you don’t need the ability to push programming logic to the device, image support, layouts generated in real-time, and you don’t need anything more complex than the controls included with TouchOSC, then try TouchOSC. I would rate them:
TouchOSC - very easy
Fantastick - easy
(That’s assuming you know how to program in Javascript or can learn quickly)

But it’s not just that TouchOSC is easier, it’s sliders are very pretty and are native so they are very responsive and fast.

Although I haven’t used it yet, Charlie Robert’s Control is also a very interesting option. It includes built-in controls very similar to TouchOSC, but supports JavaScript like Fantastick (Fantastick, by comparison does not include sliders/buttons/etc built-in, ie you must create them yourself). It also seems to have very good support for sending OSC and MIDI messages to multiple hosts. So, it might be possible to update controls on other devices without relaying these messages to the computer first (although I personally can’t imagine how this feature is very useful). Unfortunately, Control lacks image support which is one thing I absolutely love about Fantastick (you can send images in real time from vvvv->Fantastic using the http server node).