The premise here is that different looping clips are shown at different framerates dependent on the speed of the vehicle’s movement.
From what I understand about “wildlife” it is a Hall Effect sensor attached to the axel → run through a basicStamp → input into Macromedia Director/Lingo.
I’m wondering if vvvv has similar abilities and possibly a more elegant execution. I played around with the Renderer (Flash) a bit but I find no way to alter framerate.
I have pretty much figured out how to work it out in Director but I’m still a few steps away.
it should really be quite easy to change the speed of a video (or even better an image sequence) based on a sensor input…
you don’t have to use the flash renderer. if you want to use flash, export your animation as an image sequence, load all textures in the memory (if your video clip is not too long… let’s say: less then 5 minutes or so) and use GetSlice (Node) to select the Frames out of the Sequence.
The sensor would somehow be connected to a Counter Node (or something similar) and count the frames up according to the speed input by the sensor (depends on what values you’re getting…)
almost all modern cars have a ODB (On Board Diagnostics) connector which allows you to read all kind of data from the engine, body and chassis. this should prove unlimited possibilites for mobile multimedia projects (focussing on enviromental issues comes to mind). see e.g. On-Board_Diagnostics or Table_of_OBD-II_Codes at wikipedia.
the internet is full of pages using this port for things like tuning the engine, resetting the tachometer and the like - so more information should be available at many places.
for connecting your car to vvvv you will probably need something like a can to rs232 converter.
it might be easier… there seem to be direct ELM to RS232 converter solutions out there. check the data sheet of the ELM327DS chip. also looks like a nice compangnon to all car hacking arduino users out there…
If you use a “real up to date car” you can hack into the CAN-Bus and pick up the speed there. It differs a little from car to car. The tables you can find on wikipedia or at your nearest car-pimping-guy in town.
If you some other vehicle you have to provide a rotation sensor yourself. Normaly you have to adapt them to rs232, but than it works fine. But: industrial type sensors are somewhat expensive, but very reliable…
I prefer “wackendorff”, but there willbe other great companies, too
another idea: you could try to mount the image sensor of an optical mouse into an old photocamera. if you have sufficient light conditions and get the focus right, the sensor will pickup the panning scenery outside as a mouse movement.