How do I store a value read/write-accessable for all subpatches in my project? Just like a global variable.
Hi guest…
Take a look at writer(file)…and its help file (F1)…should do the work.
S an R are like this…
@Desaxismundi: Hehe… well that’s one wicked workaround. :D Phew…
@tonfilm: I don’t think so, really. They are like write once/read many.
Hm but S and R are a good way to send Values to the Subpatches. Or connecting of course. Subpatches Documentation
If your question is how to “save” calculated values during an operation, you should perhaps take a look at Queue(Spreads), or other spreadgenerating nodes (RingBuffer, Setslice…).
Does this solve your problem?
No. I need like a simple bit flag to be set or cleared from different places.
Writing into a textfile works, but it’s a pretty odd solution though, coz I have to check the file every frame…
i know that problem.
see the last 4-5 posts of this thread
perhaps that “ArtNetFake”-patch there may help you.
I understand that allowing multiple sources for one send collides with the concept of frame-based processing. But in this particular case, to be honest, I wouldn’t care, really.