Hi there!
I just saw the last Keynode yesterday and was quite blown away by the contributions. I was always thinking of using vvvv in real projects and offering solutions in the live environment, as I try to move up and forward. There is various tools out there to use in show / live environments and, of course, every tool has it’s own pros and cons and not all can achieve the same things and fulfill every requirement as good as the other, but this will vary from project to project.
What I am trying to do basically is, investing in a proper mediaserver (custom build machine) and use it in live environments. This needs to have professional capture cards (for example Datatpath) with very low latency and allow to spread across multiple outputs among other things. For most projects, solutions like Pandoras Box, Watchout or Wings will give quick results with an interface that allows quick changes and so on (everybody knows how messy patches can get over time, and especially in show environments, things need to be able to change functions, etc… very fast) and may be a better weapon of choice (from my standpoint of knowledge on how to use vvvv and in terms of live show environments). For more interactive projects there is also Ventuz and TouchDesigner.
I kind of like vvvv and would love to improve my skills and do more complex “real” projects, that can be offered to clients, but most of the time I think I would struggle hard with basic stuff that is much easier solved in timeline-based applications.
The last keynode throve me in trying to use vvvv, buying the license and store licenses if needed for paid projects (when they come, hopefully), supporting the development, etc. I also find it good in one way that there is plugins which can be bought, because this takes a lot of work and should be paid and will drive the development of vvvv forward, although it moves a little bit away of the “free” and community thing where it comes from, but nowadays I think it has to, to keep up with other developments/software solutions. And this brings me to my point, and I would be happy if others share their point of view of this:
The price of the contributions (if I got it right), when it says “per project”, means per project in total, not per project at a time or something similar? In the keynode someone compared the price for the DX11 Image sequencing contribution for example with the price of a Wings Engine Raw, which I find is not a suitable comparison. You need hardware also for vvvv and compared to the specs of the Wings Engine to be fair, it will be very high (not nearly 80.000 of course, but high anyway). With the Engine you would buy a product that will last a long time, you are able to sell it for a good price, you can rent it to other companies, there is software development going on, it offers the use of every professional capture card with very low latency, etc, etc. (This is the same for Watchout, Pandoras Box, Ventuz, …) So for my case, paying (just as an example) for a state machine (which looks totally good btw!), an HAP Player or Image Sequence player, the Decklink VideoIn, and maybe others to come, per project, this already exceeds the license price of before mentioned software solutions and for these solutions I get a “lifetime” license and will not need to pay again and again per project and it already comes with all of these features built in. vvvv just not takes a step up in pricing here as a tool, in my opinion this evolution is taking it to a much higher level than the before mentioned solutions (and they already are at a high price point). Calculating the costs (only “renting” a license for one project), I think this is not going to work, but am happy to hear other opinions.
As mentioned before, I like the way things are moving forward, was stunned by the contributions, and this should not be an offense in any way or to anybody. Please don’t get this wrong.
All the best and happy patching!