Hello vvvvolks…
I am playing around with some Raspberry Pis I’d like to send some SSH commands from vvvv to…
But I cannot connect using vux’ Ssh Plugin, network settings and adapters checked.
Has anyone an idea what I am missing? Do I have to setup keys to use it?
Can you ssh in windows < 10 via, e.g., putty, in win 10 via ubuntu bash, in linux via terminal? I have to install openssh on ubuntu to ssh into it. Is it the same for RPi?
Raspbian Stretch on the RPis is SSH enabled, I can ssh to the units using Putty on the actual vvvv - machine that runs W10, as well as with macOS and Linux on other machines. IPs, ports, users, passwords and all of that are correct.
Maybe @vux his Ssh node itself is just broken and it took 10 years for somebody to discover it? Last forum post regarding this one is from 08 and was about its release :)
As there is a password pin I guess I shouldn’t have to setup ssh keys.
What I’m not sure about is that there is an evaluate pin in the node ref I don’t see in the Inspektor…
What do pins return?
Result pin stays at 0, Output pin stays empty.
@Pheliks Eh, finally had the chance to test this myself. It’s real, something’s messed. Source code, though.
might be easier to throw a .dll like this onto VL and patch your SSH commands together:
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