Hey there,
i am currently checking out a little bit more of VL and i like the concept of the loop very much but i cant get the hang of it when trying to port some patches i built in vvvv into VL.
Can someone explain how to port the concept of the select node to VL? I tried a lot with nested for each loops but it is not working because i dont know how to spread my spread up in the Y-direction inside a loop.
this is very easy in vl, you can take a spread and repeat it several times (as the select does), no need for index calculations since we have data types and the machine knows what goes on:
lets say i want to access each “spreadslice” of the repeatspread with a damper with lets say 14 different timings, how would i access them as whole?
it`s better explained in the picture
if i understand you correctly, you can surround the damper with another (nested) ForEach loop and connect the extracted spread of the outer ForEach to the inner one. then connect the spread with the damper times only to the inner ForEach:
thats exactly what i did. but thats not what i wanted to achieve.
sorry for the bad explanation.
i build an example patch in vvvv. easier to explain this way. Line_VL_Test2.v4p (32.4 KB)
In VL i think i would have to access those “3d Vector spreadsegments” (i dont know how to call them) and then process them seperatly in an for each loop for every segment. I think i could do the same as in the examplepatch in vvvv in VL but that would still not be an spreadable solution
still not sure if that is what you want, but you can also connect the damper times to the outer spread so you will have the same time for all slices of the inner spread: