Open “Spout (DX11.Texture Sender) help.v4p” coming with Spout DX11 pack
Change AA Samples per pixel e.g. to 8.
This changes the state of the Spout sender to: “Texture not shared. No Shared Handle available from the connected texture.”
The only way to recover from this state is:
Change AA Samples per pixel back to 1.
ALT + Right-click the Spout sender.
BTW: Spout DX11 | vvvv states: “If it doesn’t work for you try to reset ALT+R the Spout (DX11.Texture Receiver) node.” I guess it should be ALT + Right-click instead.
Thanks. I think I don’t know enough about Spout to make a proper request on the forum at this stage. Searching the forum for “AA” or “Antialiasing” did give me any useful results.
What makes you conclude it’s a limitation of Spouts system?
Is there no way for the Spout sender to recognise this type of change and recover from it automatically and cleanly?