Spout and DX11 current state?

Hi All

Some time ago there was a lot of activity regarding Spout texture sharing in a thread. I do however have some trouble figuring out what the current state is, especially regarding DX11.

What is the current state of Spout and DX11 in vvvv, both in regards to receiving and sending textures?

Hopefully this thread can collect the current state so we can add the info to the I/O section io



I use Spout DX11 a lot to communicate with Resolume in both directions. Sometimes, the nodes need to be recreated, (when re-opening a patch for instance), but I never had any problems whatsoever.

Concerning Resolume, now that Spout is natively integrated in version 5, the process is a bit different : as vvvv doesn’t use SpoutPanel to handle Senders/Receivers, you need to open the Spout Demo Receiver to first register VVVV senders, and only after that you’ll be able to see your vvvv content in Resolume (same goes for receiving vvvv in TouchDesigner).

but how does it work? how do I do it?
maybe it is just me who can’t find the right documentation


depends, which software do you want to communicate with?

on v4 side, it’s just a module in which you input your texture and a sender name, and then you can retrieve your content in the other app that’s running Spout, be it Resolume, Touch Designer or whatever.

you can find that module in the installation directory of Spout.

I have tried to get it communicate to resolume, but no success so far (just downloaded the demo) I am suspecting that it might be because I use 64bit vvvv


just downloaded the latest spout (2.004),
found there demo vvvv patches for both dx9 and dx11
(credits to newemka and OysterBoy)
as well as dlls for resolume, etc.

tested b33.7 64bit with resolume arena 4.1.1,
procedure is straightforward:
install spout, copy ffgl dlls from it to resolume plugins,
run sender in vvvv and load spoutreceiver as source in resolume
or run receiver in vvvv and put spoutsender effect on resolume composition.


  • ffgl part (= resolume dll) can receive only dx9 textures
  • vvvv can receive external textures as both dx9 and dx11 at once
  • changing sender name in vvvv requires restart of shared mem nodes

also, as said above, vvvv does not register its sender in spout,
so you have to manually add it in SpoutPanel to appear for selection
(matters for networking via TCPSpout).
in resolume 4 there’s an option for manual name input, so no need for it.

vvvv latest alpha 64 bit. latest spout. win 8.1. spout dx11 modules from github throw this error:

00:02:56 ERR : FATAL ERROR: in document in line 49, between position 5 and 89 – Missing equality sign.
00:02:56 ERR : the patch couldn’t be loaded. Parser error. what to do?

alpha 32 bit? where to put the vvvv dx11 sender/receiver modules?

@sinus please try spout-dx11

thank YOU very much. it works!!!