I’m playng around with sphere deformation to obtain objects similar to this or these vvvvonderful pieces of yours.
The first (and most important) problem I have is to increase the resolution of the sphere. I can’t set it above 180 faces, 90 if I calculate normals. I don’t know if this is a hardware limit (Pentium quadcore 4x2.6 Ghz , Nvidia quadro fx550 Ram:2 gigs ddr2) or a bug of sphere geometry. Please don’t tell me that I have to assembly my own vertexbuffer!
The second problem is to obtain a realistic lighting like this.
I suppose that incrementing the number of sphere’s faces is
possible to obtain more shaded and precise forms and also the reflection should improve. Or should I use particular shaders? At the moment I’m using Phong or reflections shaders.
Last question is about transformations. I’d like to apply functions, perlin noise or other operations only to a part of a a sphere. I’ve tried with getspread (spreads) > setslice but I can’t modify more than one slice at time.
I attach a simple patch to show these issues.
Deform_sphere_Bug.zip (18.9 kB)