Hi guys.
Is there any node similar to hittest 2D but for 3D use?
To understand when I’m clicking/touching a part of a 3D model?
Hi guys.
Is there any node similar to hittest 2D but for 3D use?
To understand when I’m clicking/touching a part of a 3D model?
You want part of the model or whole model?
For part of the model there is point editor node you can look on…
Little bit blurry what is a final result you want… If it’s something like brush you want that’s one way, select vertex - another, select model is third one…
it’s a 4 part model…so Basically is 1 model but has 4 parts…and I want to select each part seperatly so that I will have the option to move each part away and reveal the center of the model…I would like to do that with leap but for now I might stick to touch screen…the final result will be to be able to control every part seperatly but also to assembled them back together in 1 model…Think of it like Lego…
I found button 3D which quite does what I want. It says when I touched a part so I might go with that.
That’s called Intersect. check the help patches of the Intersect nodes and also the Button (3d) module.
Thanks guys. I will keep updating the topic till I finished so anyone that would get interest in the future will find it.
OK…so…At some point it works BUT…I have 4 parts there…the one (yellow) it works pretty good…The green one is functional but not exactly there…the other two (blue,peach) when I click on them move 1 centimeter further on their own. I don’t know why…I have attached the patch so you can have a look… I can’t understand why while I have the same settings on every part of the model each one of them reacts different when I click on it…Any advice?
If you press right click on the mouse it brings them at the initial stage…
The outcome of this should be to move each part seperatly…
model parts.zip (563.1 KB)
sadly but it does not work for me
anyways your patch looks way over complicated, i would suggest you rethink about whole thing and split it in to smaller parts like modules, right now i would not expect for that to work honestly. First of all, all you do is copying pasting quite same set of nodes, meaning you could make one module from them and clone it with a different set of parameters. And i would suggest you to take one part, make sure it works, then make a module from it and clone modules…
Yes you are right…clean programming is not my best part…I will tidy it up a bit and repost it…
but you should be able to open it…the 3D models are in the folder.
i can try to hack you something for dx11 in a clean manner, but, maybe in the eve or tomo…
OK…I attach a cleaner patch…example patch.zip (1.4 MB)
just had a look - i didn’t try - but XY of TouchXY or MouseXY direkt on “translate” with a “switch” - will be often jumpy - you need to change the postion RELATIVE to position of mouse or touch
if ButtonPressed store actual MousePosition S+H so it is 0 (starting point) and then add the mousemove to the translation
I’m not sure if this is your problem but it could be an issue of jumpy things
good luck
greets CeeYaa
I didn’t even knew that such a thing existed. thank you extremely much for it and thanks vasilis for the example. headaches - go away :D
Thanks CeeYaa…didn’t work BUT it’s much more cleaner approach…exaple patch.zip (1.4 MB)
hey - i think lecloneurs answer is the way to go - i saw it to late
I couldn’t resist and try it by myself - and i realise - It’s not out of the box on the RELATIVE way ;)
I found a way but not so clean - have a look - you can use it or throw it away - i was just interested
but I found that you have some 3Dmodel problems
have another centerpoints than
and all together have strange behaviours by translating them
have fun with your colored church
Asin.zip (573.2 KB)
Thanks CeYaa…nice apporach…
Basically what you mentioned is my problem…The models have different centerpoints than the other ones…Now I can’t understand if that it’s an issue in VVVV (how it reads the models) or is how they got exported…They used to be in FBX format and I converted them into DAE…
Lecloneurs is a neat patch (well done) but again the same question rises up…because the problem is not to select each part seperatly (that’s has been solved) is to move it around the screen relative to mouse coordinates as you mentioned…
I will try to “map” it and come back again…
first of all, FBX and Collada stores Transforms, which usually does axis conversion and scale conversion for you, and it’s normally does that under the hood. So second thing, this transform is related to your pivot point, for instance if you have your mesh with pivot elsewhere then 0,0,0 point, the model you will receive will be first centered to pivot, then moved with transform. Just for the reference this transform often called World Transform. Then there are format’s which would not have any transforms on it such as .obj or .x for dx9 this will always have pivot point in the 0,0,0 cord and move around this point. You can try use that to your advance if you can’t deal with hierarchy of transforms. (Just export model in the obj, then to dae, it will have center at 0,0,0 and then move to appropriate position in vvvv. What you also have to know that transforms also have an order, there is * transform node, by switching order of you transforms (one to position object another one to offset object you can basically move it a local space).
I hope that helps
What i mean basically that your model might not be exact same size and rotation as object you see in vvvv, so if it’s scaled or rotated by its own transform, if you try to offset it in local space you will have this wierdo crap flying around. First check the order of your transforms.
here try thouse models models.zip (701.7 KB)
Cheers antokhio…I will give it a try…It makes sense what you are saying…
Sooo…I know there is a way to go from DX9 to DX11 geometry but I’ve looked for the other way around and I couldn’t find anything (From DX11 to DX9) … I want use Lecloneur’s approach (Select 3D object) so I will be able to select the model BUT then I want to use “intersect” node which is EX9 Geometry. Any tips?