02:33:03 * : [event.call: error occured in TMMultiControl](event.call: error occured in TMMultiControl): Zugriffsverletzung bei Adresse 00606CB3 in Modul ‘vvvv.exe’. Lesen von Adresse 000000B4
02:33:25 ERR : Error caught in the act: TMemo : Deaktiviertes oder unsichtbares Fenster kann den Fokus nicht erhalten
02:33:30 ERR : Error caught in the act: TMemo : Deaktiviertes oder unsichtbares Fenster kann den Fokus nicht erhalten
02:33:35 ERR : Error caught in the act: TMemo : Deaktiviertes oder unsichtbares Fenster kann den Fokus nicht erhalten
02:33:40 ERR : Error caught in the act: TMemo : Deaktiviertes oder unsichtbares Fenster kann den Fokus nicht erhalten
02:42:33 - : destroying Texture D:\mixer\Mixer9_10\Dec8thMixerF\palettes\12.bmp (Width: 768, Height: 10, Format: R8G8B8)
the multicontrol thing comes from the inspektor. if it happens the inspektor needs to be replaced. just ctrl+w (close) it and ctrl+i (create a new one). kinda change of shifts…
the tmemoshit is strange. any ways to reproduce those?
in general they are only edittime-errors caused by userinteraction.
Got another (can you tell I dont have the TTY open often!)
18:30:50 ERR : Corrupt link-message in Patch D:\mixer\Mixer9_10\Dec8thMixerF\MAIN PATCH.v4p. srcViewPin or dstViewPin is nil!
So what are these viewpins? Does it matter that they’re nil?
I havent noticed anymore multicontrols but I will keep tty open, I always forget how useful it can be with comlex patches, this one is a massive one, I havent worked on for a while, it runs a lot faster in 10 (several filestreams, some paused)
mm…i think that should mean that a pin that is referenced in a link message is not available in the referenced node. sou that could mean that one of your subpatches has changed its pins and connections can no longer be made or a builtin node has changed…though that should be handled correctly.
so i’d say you should be missing a link when this error appears. there is no mechanism yet to find out which. sory.
It actually drills right down to the most nested patch and gives the error all the way. Some of these were brand new subpatchesm, I did wonder if it was from the beta8.1 version it all originated in, but given that its doing it to newly created patches…?
Now this is really weird, I just flipped back to check something and on reopening the patches I dont get an error, so maybe memory?? I think I’ll reboot and see!
cheers Joreg