
a simplex noise node please!

yep - sounds good. I wanna have that too. maybe somebody could implement it in c# on the other side it would make sence to build a native (speedier) delphi node out of that.

the more I think about the more I wish to have that node. The most works of mine implement perlin noise with high spread counts which consume a lot of cpu circles. it would be nice to know the speed advantages!?

well, it says on the wikipedia page:
“complexity is O(n) for n dimensions instead of the O(2n)”
so, a factor of 2 for 2D! significant, i’d say… and there’s a link for a C++ implementation on the page, too, maybe that can be adapted into either delphi or c#?

im interested in the speed comparison too. the java code in the pdf is really easy to convert into c#. maybe i try it later…

then it’s not just about the speed, it can also go up to 4d, 5d and so on…
can’t wait for that!

yeah, but maybe it would be the best solution to implement this directly into delphi because of the speed improvement over c#

The same guy who wrote the pdf also did implementations in C++ and GLSL (which could possibly be ported to HLSL ).

I’ve already though about a shader version (working on it)… but a node would be nicer to easily use the output wherever we want!

ok, i tried it with the code from the pdf. the 3d version isn’t really faster. but the 4d might be fun. try yourself, the octaves implementation is the same as in vvvv:



Wow you were fast :) tx, i’ll have fun for sure!