i need to do a texture match between 2 textures
by using luma it will work, so i will try with the pipet node
im doing a grid in each texture of 3x3 ( but it will be much much biguer latter ) and i can get the spread of each of them in the same posicion, and substract them. but i need to get a % of the match.
and on the other hand, i would like to know where is the “coincidence”, i can do it by creating a new texture from the subtraction of texture a and b.
i left an example with a simple description of what im looking for
and 1 more question, im looking a node that i forgot the name, it was like an LFO, if the imput pin is 0, the output its 0, if the imput pin is .33 the output will be increasig like .33 per second at a constant speed, if you increase that value the output will be increasing faster. and it also works with negative values. it behaves like a dc motor, changing the current will increase the speed.
You can use the Sort node, to sort your spread, and than use CDR or CAR to get the first or the last slice. (lowest or highest value). Or just use a node called Bounds.
edit: Or do you need the slice count? Just use Count than.
West and Frank thank you for the reply, im still fgthing with slices :@
The idea is to do a multi touch kinect screen, without skeleton ( because you need to get the “pose” , so that wont work. I made a patch to simulate the kinect camera… what i need is to get the X and Y of the brigthers pixel of that matrix, i was able to get it in X using the CAR node as you told me
but it will be great to use the bound nodes to get an average of the group of the bighers pixels.