Today a friend of mine called me to get help for his project. he likes to build a elektromechanical musicinstrument which can be played via webinterface. how the interface looks isnt clear yet, maybee you can upload midifiles or maybe theres a simple stepsequencer…
i think i can help him with driving the instruments with vvvv and receving the data from the network, but ive got not much know how with webprogramming, java etc…
does anyone know an existing toolkit to build webinterfaces, sliders buttons and stuff like and sends the data to a specific ipadress?
i think controlling vvvv via webinterface could be interessting for anyone…
anysuggestions how and where to starts. any hints?
This is the first public release of Web2OSC. It’s pretty ugly, but it works for what it was designed to do, namely sending data from a Web page to MAX. Eventually it should work with any OSC (OpenSoundControl) addressable client (i.e. SuperCollider, jMax, Pd), but it has only been tested with MAX thus far. Web2OSC
flosc is a Java server that can communicate with applications that use the OpenSound Control protocol, like Max/MSP, Reaktor, and SuperCollider. It can also communicate with Macromedia Flash (versions 5 and later) using Flash’s XMLSocket feature. flosc acts as a gateway between OSC applications and Flash, allowing them to send control messages to one another.[|]
and the tutorial
i check this out to see if its fit my needs…
other tips still appreciated…
flash can surely communciate with vvvv over aforementioned XMLSockets
you might also try the irc node. there should be java/flash based irc clients out there and vvvv can participate in the chat.
patching a web server in vvvv should be possible - http is a pretty old and simple protocol and you dont need to support all features. see for example by having a web server directly in vvvv you so you can use basic web forms to submit data to vvvv. anyway i havent tried this but we hope to do have a research project going on later that year about exactly that topic. you could give it a try,
also people started taking JavaScript on webpages serious. so chances for sliders and realtime controls on web pages are better than ever. google for AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLHttpRequest)