as stated in title i am searching a L A R G E faderbox for use with vvvv.
maybe midi, maybe not.
i want something around 32 or more “real” hardware faders, preferrably 100mm length (Penny&Giles or ALPS).
but since 2 weeks i am living in italy and i still don’t know a good,cheap,CNC-metallworker, who makes me a highquality case for the price of some beers…
Some years I looked at the products from JL. Cooper. I never bothered contacting them because it looked too expensive but I actually don’t know the price of them.
if they are not too expensive you should be able to put together a controller that will suit your needs:
As for DIY I’m messing around with making my own arduino based controller atm and thinking about making some more in the future. While you can probably get away much cheaper than buying something commercial it does take a lot of time and buying some good faders will still not be all that cheap.
An arduino-board with some multiplexing would certainly work for your needs. A more costly DIY option is buying parts from here, Livid DIY MIDI Products , I haven’t tried but it seems like it would save a lot of time and hassle vs. an arduino solution.