SaveModelToPin causes crash in 5.3-306 & 310

SaveModelToPin crashes vvvv on opening Imgui patch using it.

Error log:

UriFormatException: “Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.”
System.Uri { private void CreateThis(string uri, bool dontEscape, System.UriKind uriKind, System.UriCreationOptions& creationOptions) { … } }

    VL.Lib.IO.Path { public VL.Lib.IO.Path MakeRelative(VL.Lib.IO.Path basePath) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.PathSerializer { public virtual object Serialize(VL.Core.SerializationContext context, VL.Lib.IO.Path value) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.SerializationContextInternal { public virtual object Serialize(string name, object value, System.Type staticType, bool forceElement) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.VLObjectSerializer`1 { public virtual object Serialize(VL.Core.SerializationContext context, T value) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.SerializationContextInternal { public virtual object Serialize(string name, object value, System.Type staticType, bool forceElement) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.VLObjectSerializer`1 { public virtual object Serialize(VL.Core.SerializationContext context, T value) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.SerializationContextInternal { public virtual object Serialize(string name, object value, System.Type staticType, bool forceElement) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.VLObjectSerializer`1 { public virtual object Serialize(VL.Core.SerializationContext context, T value) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.SerializationContextInternal { public virtual object Serialize(string name, object value, System.Type staticType, bool forceElement) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.VLObjectSerializer`1 { public virtual object Serialize(VL.Core.SerializationContext context, T value) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.SerializationContextInternal { public virtual object Serialize(string name, object value, System.Type staticType, bool forceElement) { ... } } 
    VL.AppServices.Serialization.SerializationServiceImpl { protected virtual object Serialize(VL.Core.NodeContext nodeContext, object value, System.Type staticType, bool throwOnError, bool includeDefaults, bool forceElement, bool pathsAreRelativeToDocument, System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<>& errorMessages) { ... } } 
    VL.Model.CompileTimeValue { public static VL.Model.CompileTimeValue From(object clrValue, VL.Core.UniqueId documentId, System.Type staticType) { ... } } 
    VL.Model.Solution { public virtual VL.Lang.PublicAPI.ISolution SetPinValue(System.Collections.Immutable.ImmutableStack<VL.Core.UniqueId> stack, string pinName, object value) { ... } } 
    _PublicAPI_.VL._Operations_ { public static void SetPinValue(VL.Core.NodeContext Node_Context_In, string Pin_Name_In, object Value_In, VL.Model.SolutionUpdateKind Solution_Update_Kind_In) { ... } } 
    _PublicAPI_.VL.SaveToModelPin_C`1 { public _PublicAPI_.VL.SaveToModelPin_C<> Write() { ... } } 
    _PublicAPI_.VL.SaveToModelPin_C`1+<>c__DisplayClass4_0`1 { internal void <__Create__>b__0(TModel m_In_21) { ... } } 
    _CoreLibBasics_.Primitive.Delegates.Delegate__1_MG_0._Operations_ { public static void Invoke(System.Action<> Input_In, T Arg_In) { ... } } 
    _VL_Reactive_.Reactive.ReactOnMainThread_AQwd5D1b4nXLUb46HTAFTF`1+<>c__DisplayClass3_0`1 { internal System.Tuple<, > <Update>b__1(object s_8, T Input_1_In_9) { ... } } 
    VL.Lib.Reactive.ForEach`3 { protected virtual void OnNext(TIn input) { ... } } 
    VL.Lib.Reactive.ObservableInputBase`1 { private void SafeOnNext(T input) { ... } } 
    System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo { public void Throw() { ... } } 
    VL.Lang.Platforms.RuntimeHost { private void SharedStep() { ... } } 

A friends opinion:

The error you’re encountering, “Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined,” is a UriFormatException in a .NET application. This error typically occurs when the application tries to create a new System.Uri object with a string that does not conform to a valid URI format.

Understanding the Error
URI Format: A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) should generally follow a standard scheme such as http://, https://, ftp://, file://, etc. If the string does not contain a recognizable scheme, the Uri class cannot parse it, leading to this exception.
Context of Error: Your stack trace shows that this exception is happening during serialization operations, particularly when handling VL.Lib.IO.Path objects. It seems like your code is trying to serialize a path as a URI.
How to Fix the Error
Validate the URI String:

Ensure that the string you are passing to create a Uri object is indeed a well-formed URI. Check if it starts with a proper scheme (http://, https://, etc.).
If it’s a file path you are trying to convert to a URI, make sure it’s properly formatted. For example, a local file path should start with file:///.
Handle Relative Paths:

If you are dealing with relative paths, you need to resolve them to absolute URIs before creating the Uri object.
This might be happening in the MakeRelative method of VL.Lib.IO.Path. You may need to modify this method to ensure that it correctly handles relative paths.
Use Uri.TryCreate:

Instead of directly creating a Uri object, use Uri.TryCreate which does not throw an exception but returns a boolean indicating success or failure. This can be useful for debugging or handling potentially invalid URIs gracefully.

Add logging or breakpoints in your code to check the value of the string being passed to the Uri constructor. This will help you identify exactly what invalid string is causing the issue.
Review Serialization Logic:

Since the error is occurring during serialization, review your serialization logic. Ensure that when paths are serialized, they are done so in a manner compatible with URI formats.
Update or Patch Libraries:

If you are using third-party libraries for path handling or serialization (like VL.Lib.IO or VL.AppServices), make sure they are up-to-date. Sometimes, such errors are fixed in newer versions.
By carefully reviewing the data being passed around and the context in which this error occurs, you should be able to identify the problematic part of your code and apply a suitable fix.

Can you provide a patch please?

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