Having a hard nut here.
Its about instanced animation based on a animation-texture in vvvv.js, with the animation being prebaked from vvvv.
the concept is similar to instanced skinning described here http://developer.download.nvidia.com/SDK/10/direct3d/Source/SkinnedInstancing/doc/SkinnedInstancingWhitePaper.pdf
Just instaed of bone matrices i use transform matrices for particles
The idea is to have a typical transform spread in vvvv and sample an animation with it using queue,
then use get matrix,
convert the matrix into glsl row-column style (basicaly just swap dimensions for every matrix),
save the values into a texture,
in glsl rebuild the transform matrices from this data-texture in the vertex shader,
and finaly drive a complicated particle system with it in webGL.
Basically a prebaked particle system with every animation frame stored as a spread of transforms.
So I have attempt to do that and it works, almost.
TThe problem is that the texture coordinates together with the frame, animation is a bit hard to solve.
Additionaly I dont know if the PNG format is realy suitable for transfering a transform matrix.
For transforming the matrix I use 4 pixels with rgba of each pixel being the corresponding 4 rows of the matrix.
I am kind of sure that my input format is correct. I just wanted to post the vertex shader code here and maybe someone is interested in looking at this code and maybe reveal a thinking error in it.
I get the first frame of the animation kind of correctly, just with a wired behaviour when i want to use translation.
maybe i also dont use the transform matrix in the correct hirarchy?
The other problem is the frame-based sampling. When I change to another then the first frame, everything gets messed up. I wonder if there is a logic error
//the texture coordinates for sampling the matrix componetns using instanceID of the particles and frame * stride (transform count per frame) for the frame-based animation. // from the resulting index the row and column in the texture 2D array is calculated and its scaled to texturecoordinate space. float Coord1x = (mod((id * 4.0 + 0.0) + frame *stride ,textureRes)/textureRes-0.5 ) * (1.0 - 1.0/textureRes) + 0.5; float Coord1y = (floor(((id * 4.0 + 0.0) + frame *stride )/textureRes)/textureRes-0.5 ) * (1.0 - 1.0/textureRes) + 0.5; float Coord2x = (mod((id * 4.0 + 1.0) + frame * stride ,textureRes)/textureRes-0.5 ) * (1.0 - 1.0/textureRes) + 0.5; float Coord2y = (floor(((id * 4.0 + 1.0) + frame *stride )/textureRes)/textureRes-0.5 ) * (1.0 - 1.0/textureRes) + 0.5; float Coord3x = (mod((id * 4.0 + 2.0) + frame * stride,textureRes)/textureRes-0.5 ) * (1.0 - 1.0/textureRes) + 0.5; float Coord3y = ((floor((id * 4.0 + 2.0) + frame * stride)/textureRes)/textureRes-0.5 ) * (1.0 - 1.0/textureRes) + 0.5; float Coord4x = (mod((id * 4.0 + 3.0) + frame * stride,textureRes)/textureRes-0.5 ) * (1.0 - 1.0/textureRes) + 0.5; float Coord4y = ((floor((id * 4.0 + 3.0) + frame * stride)/textureRes)/textureRes-0.5 ) * (1.0 - 1.0/textureRes) + 0.5;
//the matrix components are sampled and scaled into correct space vec4 m1 = (texture2D(AnimationTex, vec2(Coord1x,Coord1y) ) - 0.5 )* 2.0; vec4 m2 = (texture2D(AnimationTex, vec2(Coord2x,Coord2y) ) - 0.5 )* 2.0; vec4 m3 = (texture2D(AnimationTex, vec2(Coord3x,Coord3y) ) - 0.5 )* 2.0; vec4 m4 = (texture2D(AnimationTex, vec2(Coord4x,Coord4y) ) - 0.5 )* 2.0;
// the matrix is constructed from the components mat4 transform = mat4( m1, m2, m3, m4 );
mat4 tWV = tV * tW; mat4 tVP = tP * tV; mat4 tWVP = tP * tWV; LightDirV = normalize(-1.0*(tV*vec4(Light_Direction_XYZ,1))).xyz; NormV = normalize(tWV * vec4(NormO, 0)).xyz; instancedColor = color; vec4 PosV = tWV * vec4(PosO, 1); ViewDirV = normalize(-PosV).xyz; vec4 pP = vec4(PosO * 4.0, 1.0) *transform ; //pP.xyz += offset; gl_Position = tVP * pP; vs2psTexCd = (Texture_Transform * vec4(TexCd, 0, 1)).xy;