Another solution to being able to view and mix between multple vvvv patches. Saving a vvvv patch as a FreeFrame source plugin. You can then load them into your favourite VJing software and mix between them freely. Not knowing anything about programming FreeFrame plugins I dunno if this will work, but it sounds a cool idea. That way vvvv would be the FreeFrame equivalent of SynthEdit - the ‘save as VST’ program that launched a thousand VSTs…
reminds me. hmn. how about having vvvv act as a frameserver? Like aviSynth?
as mentioned elsewhere this is not practicable. conversion from vvvv-rendered-output back to a videostream will always be extremly slow.
but is currently working on a new plugin-system based on shaders. all opengl only so far…but we’ll see maybe we can jump on that train later…