Having a particle system here where i want to sample from a heightmap.
In the following compute shader I tried that code for sampling all surrounding pixels of the current particle position in texture space.
I sample the values in an array.
Then I want to sort which is the lowest value.
For this I iterated through the array and if the array value is smaller then the previous array value, it should write that as current pixel index.
According to the pixel index i apply the velocity to the particle.
theoreticaly that should work or? In real-world scenario it does not work and i dont know why… particles move strange / shader is stuck in first index so all particles move to the top left
//COMPUTE SHADER ===============================================================
[numthreads(128, 1, 1)](numthreads(128, 1, 1))
void CSConstantForce( uint3 index : SV_DispatchThreadID )
float array8;
float3 pos_world = Outputindex.x.pos.xyz;
float2 pos_tex = ((pos_world.xy * float2( 1,-1 ) ) + 0.5);
int samples = 7;
float col = heightTex.SampleLevel(linearSampler,(pos_tex),0).r;
float dx;
float prev_dx=1.0;
float directionIndex=0;
float px = 1/resolution.x;
//sample values of surrounding 8 pixels starrting with top left clockwise
array0 = heightTex.SampleLevel(linearSampler,float2(pos_tex.x-px, pos_tex.y+px),0).r;
array1 = heightTex.SampleLevel(linearSampler,float2(pos_tex.x, pos_tex.y+px),0).r;
array2 = heightTex.SampleLevel(linearSampler,float2(pos_tex.x+px, pos_tex.y+px),0).r;
array3 = heightTex.SampleLevel(linearSampler,float2(pos_tex.x+px, pos_tex.y),0).r;
array4 = heightTex.SampleLevel(linearSampler,float2(pos_tex.x+px, pos_tex.y-px),0).r;
array5 = heightTex.SampleLevel(linearSampler,float2(pos_tex.x, pos_tex.y-px),0).r;
array6 = heightTex.SampleLevel(linearSampler,float2(pos_tex.x-px, pos_tex.y-px),0).r;
array7 = heightTex.SampleLevel(linearSampler,float2(pos_tex.x-px, pos_tex.y),0).r;
for (int i = 0; i <= samples; i ++){
if (dx<prev_dx) {
//now you have the Index of the direction fom surrounding heigth value and can set velocity accordingly
Outputindex.x.vel.x = 0;
Outputindex.x.vel.y = 0;
if (directionIndex==0)
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.x = -px;
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.y = +px;
if (directionIndex==1)
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.x = 0;
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.y = +px;
if (directionIndex==2)
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.x = px;
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.y = px;
if (directionIndex==3)
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.x = px;
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.y = 0;
if (directionIndex==4)
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.x = px;
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.y = -px;
if (directionIndex==5)
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.x = 0;
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.y = -px;
if (directionIndex==6)
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.x = -px;
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.y = -px;
if (directionIndex==7)
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.x = -px;
Output[index.x](index.x).vel.y = 0;