Russian translation bug?

Hi there!

I have a problem with pages of documentation that are translated to Russian. When i’m trying to load a translated to russian page, site says to me: “access denied. You do not have the privileges to call this page or perform this action.”
It’s ok only with translated analog of page.
With all other languages it’s ok at all.

helo a3,

i see your problem. we’ll fix that.

sorry to reply so late, was offline for two weeks.

this should be fixed for all new translations coming up. we have to fix all others manually, please let us know which pages you find that problem on.

Hello, a3th3r. I had same problem with translated to Japanese, too!

vvvvebmaster, these pages couldn’t access when logout:


I uploaded new translated page, it access denied without login again.

true, there still seems to be a problem. fixed for this one site now.

cant see this one:

fixed this one too

Hi a3th3r! Please feel free to contact me at skype to discuss vvvv in russian and get some help

если у вас есть проблемы с чтением и/или пониманием )) русской документации - стучитесь в скайп спасибо


access denied again: jp.Tutorial Hello World

thx. fixed.