RS232| newbeQuest. - help to translate an PD-patch into vvvv

/first, i never used PD! - but attached some files to doc the background…

1 - the PD/ patch take the PD 037.exe |to keep it faster!
2 - a kind of selfmade hack ( may C + ) etc. …to read!

Ya, the thing is… | the box is made for some toggle/pads, as an analog interface to control an ORAD/production-panel, but to use this - the hack is important to get the mouseposition to toggle /to simulate the mousemoves and clicks… /may there is also the RS232protocol inside!the hack… - but not shure /may!

or insidethePDpatch!? -where|evvvver, i plugged that over an serial to USB, and an other interface works fine, but not this…

back to mainQuest. : how to understand the RS232!!!
/have had read the notes at vvvviki, but did not ‘checkt that’…

(it´s closer to my dipl. )

…need an togglebased vvvvinterface, like one to control the patch( tis side is still workin’ )but: to take these data - then send it via serial to USB ( the second )to the ORADmachine… /then to remote the productionPanel… :cause, at the moment it´s just possible to start 3DMAX-objects/and ORAD is 3DMAXbased… for excuse!!!

but, may to sync. both systems - to remote via vvvv incl. sound… /etc.
AND: …may to get an 2 Sys.Circuit!!! ( plus the dyn.3DMAX import into v4 )

( Q² : is there realy a problem to get two serials at one Lap./machine ??? )


sounds very interesting and reminds me of my thesis…
i do not completely understand what you´re up to. what do the four picture show? what is the task of the box in the first photo? and what thing is connected to what thing ? and which thing do you want to replace with vvvv?

/first, i never used PD! - but attached some files to doc the background…

1 - the PD/ patch take the PD 037.exe |to keep it faster!
2 - a kind of selfmade hack ( may C + ) etc. …to read!

can you provide screenshots of the pd patches and the enclosed subpatches?

back to mainQuest. : how to understand the RS232!!!
/have had read the notes at vvvviki, but did not ‘checkt that’…

the rs232 will send data out to the serial port and read data back from the serial port. as soon as you get the baud rate setting right and have the right cables (straight vs. crossed, male vs. female, 9pin vs 25pin etc.) it is very easy. as rs232 is one of the oldest and most established standards in use today its very well documented on the net. do you think you have the right cables already? do the pd patches work?
as soon as i understand whether it is a question about sending or receiving i can help better…

Q² : is there realy a problem to get two serials at one Lap./machine ???

not at all. i think more than 16 is a problem with usb and standard windows drivers.

ooh, …thought it would be clear enough!

/the pic´s are just for the context… /but also a viewpoint, may to visualize my idea… / :to step inside the vvvvplayground !!!

/the BBox is just a ( at the moment )16step togglePAD interface…

  • if there is a cube etc. | & this object has to move etc. ( to start an animation|… ):

pad1=starts object1
pad2=stops object1…

pad3=starts object2… or:
pad4=toggle an object to foreground… |another to background…

etc. … /a primitive 3DMAXworkaround! =not realy REALTIME ! but works…

…my quest. was:

how to understand the using of the RS232 via vvvv!
/and to built up an own patch to control these toggle|functions WITHOUT the box!

= via vvvv!

to use a Joystick… or some other interfaces! - while controlling these objectmoves synced!withSound, …etc. ( to plug the power of vvvv ! ) …


i never used PD before! - it doesn´t start on my machine! | …

…the 16prob. :

just heard about, that there is a conflict to install lot serials at one PC !?

/need to get one interface via seriell into my laptop, then through! vvvv - and via seriell2 to the 3DMAXrenderer( bzw. /to the BBoxhack! )

:this HACK records the Productionpanel/position at the 3DMAXcontroller-|window, then this REmove! the recorded button|possitions to toggle these via the hardwareBOX … /from the blueRoom, as a remote! - instead of clicking each! mousebutton( einzeln )… /to get a feeling for: touching objects, but faked!

( used to arrange the togglePADs for each function…|inside the virt.3DWorld! )

: vvvv could help to get closer to it ! …


i think you just have the same problem as explained in the blinkenlights post

only that you want to send it via serial and not parallel.

so first make yourself a patch as explained by oschatz in the other message. one that translates you (binary) toggles to dezimal values for sending over the serial port.

once you have that put the values in one spread (using cons) and convert them to a string (using AsString). now use a spectral add on that string spread and send the resulting string over RS232

if you do everything right the vvvv-patch should only use about 10% of the nodecount compared to your original pd-patch. though that fact doesn’t contribute to the sollution of you problem…

/the BBox is just a ( at the moment )16step togglePAD interface…

  • if there is a cube etc. | & this object has to move etc. ( to start an animation|… ):

pad1=starts object1
pad2=stops object1…

pad3=starts object2… or:
pad4=toggle an object to foreground… |another to background…

etc. … /a primitive 3DMAXworkaround! =not realy REALTIME ! but works…

so the box sends something out to 3dmax and 3dmax responds, right?

…my quest. was:

how to understand the using of the RS232 via vvvv!
/and to built up an own patch to control these toggle|functions WITHOUT
the box!

= via vvvv!

to use a Joystick… or some other interfaces! - while controlling these
objectmoves synced!withSound, …etc. ( to plug the power of vvvv ! ) …

yes… this is all very clear to me. it would be very easy within vvvv. we would just need a description of the exact commands the box sends out, so we can emulate them with vvvv.


i never used PD before! - it doesn´t start on my machine! | …

do you have any other hints about the serial protocol? i really need more information to be able to help. who did this box? is there a manual? what is connected to the box? have you read the HowTo RS232 page?

…the 16prob. :

just heard about, that there is a conflict to install lot serials at one PC !?
i have never heard about this.

/need to get one interface via seriell into my laptop, then through! vvvv -
and via seriell2 to the 3DMAXrenderer( bzw. /to the BBoxhack! )
:this HACK records the Productionpanel/position at the 3DMAXcontroller-
|window, then this REmove! the recorded button|possitions to toggle these via
the hardwareBOX … /from the blueRoom, as a remote! - instead of clicking each! > mousebutton( einzeln )… /to get a feeling for: touching objects, but faked!

here i have lost you again. hmmm. which HACK? what do you mean by Productionpanel? what position of which 3DMAXcontroller-|window? what is the BBoxhack? again: what is the system currently doing, what do you want to change? `

ok - sorry! :[ kind of ‘Betriebsblindheit’… ]( kind of ‘Betriebsblindheit’… )

/this BBox is named to an technican - who made this box, the PDpatch, and the panel’HACK’… /this ‘hack’ is made( may in C or C+)…

: a little program to rec. the button|clicks at the panel (Productionpanel is the name, given from ORAD! - cause to activate all linked object|animations… )

/ it remotes the linked&uploaded 3DMAXactivities…

… to change:

using vvvv instead the BOX, to remote all 3DMAX|animations via v4!!!

:[ kind of ‘Betriebsblindheit’… ]( kind of ‘Betriebsblindheit’… )
. …thnx.

… : kind of ‘Betriebsblindheit’…

hi joreg, some busy days ago… - may this .pd will run / the other was failt!

i have had post this original PD-patch, cause i need (want to replace )this in vvvv
/may the encoder would translate, to understand - how to use and to rebuild …

thnx, a lot lot…
( dringend dringend ): weil Semesterabgabe…

( dringend dringend ): weil Semesterabgabe…

so the box sends something out to 3dmax and 3dmax responds, right?
do you have any other hints about the serial protocol?
i really need more information to be able to help.
who did this box? is there a manual?
what is connected to the box?
have you read the HowTo RS232 page?
can you provide screenshots of the pd patches and the enclosed subpatches?


okok. you wanted it that way.

if you still decide you want to understand whats happening and try for yourself go down a few messages and switch to the other mentioned thread where oschatz exactly explained what you needed to do…

or take the blue pill an download the attached patch which should pretty much do the same as the Pads.pd

still you’ll need some more information to configure the RS232 node correctly.