Renderer filestream strange behaviour

Hi everyone, I’m writing here but I’m not shure if it’s a bug or known issue.
Searching on-line didn’t get me answers so I’m writing here.
On a simple patcher with filestream vlc (or also filestream not vlc), the video playback starts totally blurry once opened the patch and started the media playback.
It fixes itself only if I disconnect and reconnect the filestream object from it’s next object.
Files that are playing are h264 encoded, but I actually experience this problem with other encoding and filestream objects.
I’m interested in building an installation player that should be just opened and run autonomously.
This problem prevents the player to run with a correct image.
Thanks to everybody
My best

My system is a win 10, i7 5820k, 32 Gb ram, Geforce 1080Ti

i’d assume this is a problem with the rather old DX9 vlc player and suggest you try the same using the DX11 pack which also comes with a vlc player.

Thanks Joreg for the reply. I only noticed it now. I’ll try the DX11 version as you suggested.
Thanks a lot.

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