want to remotely open vvvv.exe in a boygrouping environment. like starting all the client vvvvs from the server. boom - all up & running. best case would be a nice little command line utility that can be configured with a text file instead of a messy UI.
anyone having such a nice util? ore any other suggestions for this task?
i ran into rexec and the rexecd daemon but this seems to cost…
course. in the final setup vvvv runs automatically via startup. but while patching, i have to (re)start the client vvvvs more often than the whole system.
thanks! i tried that one but when i run this command…
{CODE(ln=>>)}psexec \REMOTEHOST -u USERNAME -p PASS exe^
(exe is for cmd or notepad or vvvv)
… it all runs something like a telnet session on the Server and i can run command line programs but no GUI programs their. could you explain a little further how to use Pstools please?