Is there a simple way to refresh the file in filestream?
Is there a simple way to refresh the file in filestream?
What do you mean by ‘refresh’ ?
Hi Gaz ,
for reseting a filestream node i bang the do seek pin ,
not sure if you mean this , also if you mean refreshing with other file i use cons to prevent freezing , maybe this is far from what you mean .
gaz_reset_filestream.v4p (7.6 kB)
Apologies for being so vague… What I’m trying to do is record the videoin, then play it back. I’ve attached a very buggy patch. This is a work in progress, I think what I need to focus on is making the writer make a new mpg file every time it is activated and have the filestream pull the new mpg file.
Colorsound, while your patch doesn’t directly fix my problem it has been an eye opener, learning how to do that was next on my list - so thank you very much! (8.2 kB)
Hi gaz
now it makes a new file evertime and plays the last file created , but freeze a bit to playback , there might be a better way .
filestreamupdate2.rar (8.7 kB)
Thank you a zillion times over =)))