i’m trying to interface with a hardware- which controls laser projectors- called “Netlase”.
the hardware manufacturer has sent me a dll+documentation, which which i should be able to communicate with the device.
however, as soon as i reference the dll via the project explorer and then save the plugin, it will throw an error (see picture);
what’s possible causes for that? i know that’s a rather general question, but as i haven’t referenced dll’s a lot in my own plugins yet (actually only once), it might be something very general i’m doing wrong…
i tried to find out (any tools/hints for that?), no info from the manufacturer yet.
would this be a valid error code for it being unmanaged?
suppose it is unmanaged, would it be sufficient to use DLLImport function (to bring in every function from the dll i want to use)? as i understood that function is mostly used when doing wrappers for c++ in c#?
as far as i understand the dll should export a DllRegisterServer if there was a COM interface- correct me if i’m wrong- the list of exported functions show nothing like that however(see attached file)…
private static extern int yourDLLExportedFunction();
works fine for me. yourDLL.dll needs to be in the same folder as vvvv.exe, or you specify a path instead.
yourDLLExportedFunction is the function of interest, exported by yourDLL.dll; which should be declared in it’s documentation.
after importing it this way i’ve been able to use the functions right away; copy paste edit the lines for additional functions to import.