i’m new in v4 and got a little problems with the nodes. I’m using a Win7 x64 OS and the latest v4 x64 and teaching me v4 with Prototyping Interfaces. As you can see in the image I have red underlayed nodes. If i search them and ad them to the patch they will still work but still red underlayed. in the “camera (transform softimage”)node there are some new red underlayed nodes. v4 is telling me “mouse (system global legacy)is missing. id106”. I can’t find any solution for this problem.
Hm, this works not for me. I have the same problems now on a Win8 machine with latest v4 x86 already installed and run on Win7 compatibility then I start it as admin. The addons are in the correct folders. The kinect patches for openNI and microsoft can be found, if I add them they are a few seconds grey and switch then to red underlayed. A lot of the patches can be found twice if I search for them.
well, then it seems you’re doing something wrong.
forget about compatibility modes and running as admin.
all you have to do is:
download and extract vvvv
download and extract the suitable (x86 vs 64) addonpack an place it so that the \addonpack directory lies next to \girlpower inside your \vvvvXY directory
run crack.exe
if kinect nodes come up gray but then turn red when you hover one of its outputs there may be a problem with their drivers. make sure you get exactly the drivers listed on the kinect page.
So I downloadet it again, extract it, placed the addonpack folder next to girlpower run the crack.exe start v4 as admin and get the same result. the drivers for ms kinect and openNI seem to be ok.
it seems that the kinect is the only one that caused problems. I follow the path of vvvv in the vvvv/addons/lib/nodes/plugins but there’s no kinect.v4p or kinect_help.v4p. could this be the problem why the node doesn’t work for me? On my old machine I can found at least the kinect_help file.
Edit: I found the helpfile in the addonpack. Any other Ideas what it could be? Whats with my Hardware/Software, could that be a cause for having trouble with the kinect node?
I’m using a Win8 (is there any known problems with programms like skype, Adobe CS, etc. and vvvv known?)
for the openNI you have a Testtool that works for me. I installed and uninstalled the drivers for ms a lot of times. when they are installed the kinect is getting identified by the os an still blinks green. a little spongy I know…