I am trying to use the VL OpenCV renderer in normal VVVV like in the demos. But I am getting a red node when connecting the upload image pin to upload as a texture in VVVV renderer.
This red node seems to only occur in the 32bit version and I am able to get it working in the 64 bit version. I just wanted ask if this is a bug in 32bit or intended? And if there is any way I can get it working in the 32 bit version since I require most functions from VVVV that only exists in the 32bit version.
And for reference vvvv beta preview was installed in default location (C:\vvvv\vvvv_beta_41-0007_preview_x86) with only DX11 pack installed (vvvv-packs-dx11-x86-1.3.1).
Thank you. I downloaded the beta preview(41) version and got it working now.
Previously I was using beta 39.1 version and strangely in that version the nugets folder in appdata/local path was empty.