Hi Guys,
is there any way to reconfigure the rows of a texture in HLSL?
For example from 32x32 to 1024x1 pixels.
Hi Guys,
is there any way to reconfigure the rows of a texture in HLSL?
For example from 32x32 to 1024x1 pixels.
Sure, in a shader you’ll just need to read from transformed texture coordinates
this could look like:
float4 PS(float2 vp:VPOS):COLOR{
float2 TransformedCd=(float2(vp.x%32,(vp.x-(vp.x%32))/32.0)+0.5)/32.0;
return tex2D(Sampler,TransformedCd);
(0.5 there is a halfpixel offset, for accurate read from texel centers)
Hi Unc,
thanks a lot for the explanation but as always it seems that i´m doing something wrong.
I´m using 2 data textures, one with 1024x1 pixels, and the other with 32x32 pixels that i need to transform to 1024x1 pixels.
Any idea?
The code looks like that:
vs2ps VS(
float4 PosO : POSITION ,
float4 TexCd : TEXCOORD0 )
//declare output struct
vs2ps Out ;
//transform position
Out.Pos = mul(PosO, tW) ;
//transform texturecoordinates
Out.TexCd = TexCd;
return Out;
float4 PS2(float2 vp:VPOS):COLOR
float2 TransformedCd=(float2(vp.x%32,(vp.x-(vp.x%32))/32.0)+0.5)/32.0;
return tex2D(SampTarget2,TransformedCd);
float4 PS(vs2ps In): COLOR
float4 oldData = tex2D(SampLastFrame,In.TexCd);
float4 targetTex = tex2D(SampTarget,In.TexCd);
float4 targetTex2 = tex2D(SampTarget2,In.TexCd); //Texture to be transformed,
//but i can´t use TransformedCd ?¿
float4 targetData = tex2D(SampLastFrame, float2(In.TexCd.x, In.TexCd.y-ry));
if (In.TexCd.y>0) ////Verlet simulation
float2 distVec = targetData.rg - oldData.rg;
oldData.rg += (length(distVec)-targetTex.b) * Damper * normalize(distVec) ;
oldData = float4 (targetTex2.rg,targetTex.ba) ;
if (targetTex.a)
oldData.rg = targetTex2.rg;
return oldData ;
Thanks again,
Well, everything depends on what are you rendering it to… My guess was, that you render to 1024x1 texture - if that is correct, probably this could work:
float4 PS(vs2ps In,float2 vp:VPOS): COLOR //now you have VPOS on input,
float4 oldData = tex2D(SampLastFrame,In.TexCd);
float4 targetTex = tex2D(SampTarget,In.TexCd);
float2 TransformedCd=(float2(vp.x%32,(vp.x-(vp.x%32))/32.0)+0.5)/32.0;
// and can use TransformedCd
float4 targetTex2 = tex2D(SampTarget2,In.TexCd);
float4 targetData = tex2D(SampLastFrame, float2(In.TexCd.x, In.TexCd.y-ry));
otherwise, you might re-render your 32x32 texture to 1024x1 (using that small shader)
Hi Unc,
finally i´ve made other render pass with this shader to resample the texture, but i´m limited to 4096x1 pixels, nevertheless it would be great to do the conversion inside the shader to avoid this limitation.
Anyway, thanks for your useful information, i´m learning a lot about shaders.
Resample shader.
float4x4 tW: WORLD; //the models world matrix
texture Tex <string uiname="Texture";>;
sampler Samp = sampler_state //sampler for doing the texture-lookup
Texture = (Tex); //apply a texture to the sampler
MipFilter = none; //sampler states
MinFilter = none;
MagFilter = none;
float4x4 tTex: TEXTUREMATRIX <string uiname="Texture Transform";>;
float XResol <string uiname="XResol";>;
struct vs2ps
float4 Pos : POSITION;
float2 TexCd : TEXCOORD0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vs2ps VS(
float4 PosO : POSITION,
float4 TexCd : TEXCOORD0)
//declare output struct
vs2ps Out;
//transform position
Out.Pos = mul(PosO, tW);
//transform texturecoordinates
Out.TexCd = TexCd;
return Out;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float4 PS(vs2ps In,float2 vp:VPOS): COLOR //now you have VPOS on input,
float2 TransformedCd=(float2(vp.x%XResol,(vp.x-(vp.x%XResol))/XResol)+0.5)/XResol;;
//float4 targetTex2 = tex2D(TransformedCd,In.TexCd)
return tex2D(Samp,TransformedCd.rg);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
technique TSimpleShader
pass P0
//Wrap0 = U; // useful when mesh is round like a sphere
VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 VS();
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 PS();