Hi there! I’m trying to create a random list of (video)textures, choosen randomly from a directory full of small video.
The simplest way seems to create a random list of path and then use it with the VLC beta plugin, but since each video must have 3-4 occurrence in the spread, I don’t want that VLC node take the same video more times.
I’m looking for some way to create this spreads, some kind of SetSlice (Spreads) for the textures…
The Buffer (EX9.Texture) is a good idea, but for some reason it seems to not work with the VLC
Hi! Thank you, for sure it helps for the math side, but does’t help me in creating the spread.
My problem is (try to expain better) I have for example 4 videoTexture, coming out from the VLC. I want to create a spread with 16 elements, taken from that 4, and
There is no way to CREATE a new spread (joining elements I already have) with texture! I can just have it out from the VLC, or use the Cons (EX9.Texture) if I already know the order of the elements…