Hi Everyone,
I am trying to install v4 but seem unable to to run the setup.exe in admin mode, either by right click on the exe or via cmd in admin mode. I believe I have admin privileges as I regularly install s/w on it the laptop.
Here is the log file from startup
---- initializing ----
Checking for DirectX…
DirectX installed: 0
Checking for .net…
.net installed: 1
Checking for Addflow5…
Addflow5 registered: 0
Checking for MSVC2008…
MSVC2008 install state: unrecognized product or feature
Checking for MSVC2010…
MSVC2010 install state: use default, local or source
Checking for MSVC2012…
MSVC2012 install state: unrecognized product or feature
Checking for MSVC2013…
MSVC2013 install state: use default, local or source
Checking for MSVC2017…
MSVC2017 install state: unrecognized product or feature
Registering AddFlow5…
result: 3
Checking for Addflow5…
Addflow5 registered: 0
Checking for DirectShow…
DirectShow Filters registered: 0
Registering DirectshowWrapper…
result: 3
Registering GMFBridge…
result: 0
Registering Directshow filters…
Directshow filters registered.
Checking for DirectShow…
DirectShow Filters registered: 0
Checking for Filetype association…
Filetype associated: 1
---- initialized ----
---- creating form ----
- initializing gui
- setting IE10 force
- deleting vvvv temps
---- form created ----
I have installed C++ so it should be recognised…
I have looked at all the existing threads , but nothing seems to align with thier issues. All Iget is the dialogue box to run as administrator…
Any help would be appreciated