Problems running setup in Admin mode windows 10

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to install v4 but seem unable to to run the setup.exe in admin mode, either by right click on the exe or via cmd in admin mode. I believe I have admin privileges as I regularly install s/w on it the laptop.

Here is the log file from startup

---- initializing ----
Checking for DirectX…
DirectX installed: 0
Checking for .net…
.net installed: 1
Checking for Addflow5…
Addflow5 registered: 0
Checking for MSVC2008…
MSVC2008 install state: unrecognized product or feature
Checking for MSVC2010…
MSVC2010 install state: use default, local or source
Checking for MSVC2012…
MSVC2012 install state: unrecognized product or feature
Checking for MSVC2013…
MSVC2013 install state: use default, local or source
Checking for MSVC2017…
MSVC2017 install state: unrecognized product or feature
Registering AddFlow5…
result: 3
Checking for Addflow5…
Addflow5 registered: 0
Checking for DirectShow…
DirectShow Filters registered: 0
Registering DirectshowWrapper…
result: 3
Registering GMFBridge…
result: 0
Registering Directshow filters…
Directshow filters registered.
Checking for DirectShow…
DirectShow Filters registered: 0
Checking for Filetype association…
Filetype associated: 1
---- initialized ----
---- creating form ----

  • initializing gui
  • setting IE10 force
  • deleting vvvv temps
    ---- form created ----

I have installed C++ so it should be recognised…

I have looked at all the existing threads , but nothing seems to align with thier issues. All Iget is the dialogue box to run as administrator…

Any help would be appreciated


maybe i had some similar issues with some corporate admin rights which are not really true admin rights, idk, never fully understood this…
what i did was:
i just installed all dependencies manually, you can find them on the bottom of the download page.
maybe this helps

Tx colorsound I’ll give it a go. The first dependency I thought was C++ , which I installed but it still indicates that it cant find it…

Anyway I’ll plug on and post results here for any one else with similar issues…

this might well be ok. just see if vvvv.exe runs.
reason for such a false “missing” report of setup.exe is that there are many different versions out there of the individual vc++ packs and setup.exe only checks for specific ones while others may still be compatible.

if it still doesn’t work you can try uninstalling the vcredists and reinstalling the specific versions via setup.exe

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