I try to work with fuse particles for a while but i have probems working with the partcle system. it doesnt work at my laptop. If i open for example the helppatch “use brownian force” only one particle is showing despite the particle count beiing much higher. the FPS is at 60 seconds. I tried other patches with particles in it and it had the same problem.
thank you
what gpu are you using
Hello Texone,
My GPU is AMD Radeon.
This is the Laptop i am using:
Most likely it is a gpu shader issue where something is not compatible most people use nvidia cards and this is also what I develop with, so I guess I need to get an amd card to check things I have added an issue but this will not be adressed soon Make Fuse work with AMD Cards · Issue #132 · TheFuseLab/VL.Fuse · GitHub
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