Hi ! :)
I got a problem with some IOboxes. In fact, I linked several IOboxes (values advanced) on a Contour boxes (to get x,y,witdh, height… for each tracked shapes). Those IOboxes display 10 values (because Contour can track 10 shapes at once) so I got 0 to 10 values varying in those IOboxes.
The problem is that when a new shape is detected, there is a new value appearing in the IObox (the “x” one for example) but it’s not appearing in the right line. for example if I’m already tracking 3 shapes, so I got 3 “x” values in the IObox, then a new shape is detected, so a 4th value income in the iobox, but instead of coming after the first three ones (on the 4th line) it come on the 1st line (if I put slice numbers in the box, that mean that when a new shape is detected by Contour’Box, the 1st shape become the 2nd shape, the 2nd one become the 3rd one…)
I’ll make a little schema (cause my english isn’t vry clear I think)
what vvvv do in IOboxes :
1| 1st value
2| 2nd value
then a new value
income in the IObox:
1| new value
2| 1st value
3| 2nd value
and I want it to be like this :
1| 1st value
2| 2nd value
1| 1st value
2| 2nd value
3| new value
Is it possible to set it like that ?