i have a SDI BlackMagic capture card. url
i put a signal in the card. with the software to encode video there is no problem. i see my video signal.
but in vvvv the node video in don’t capture the signal and display ‘video no input’ like there is no source connected.
does the VideoIn nodes “Driver” pin show the cards name?
where do you see the display “video no input”? does the card have several inputs which you can switch via the “Anaolg Video Input” pin?
"does the VideoIn nodes “Driver” pin show the cards name? "
"where do you see the display “video no input”? "
this message is generate by the card when there is no signal in input normaly but we are sure that there is a signal in input
i have test capture with Virtualdub and the blackMagic software
"does the card have several inputs which you can switch via the “Anaolg Video Input” pin? "
no it’s a SDI (digital) capture card only
puh. now this is really hard to guess then…so the capture card seems to have a connection to the videotexture…hmm.
if you have mediaplayer classic and the directshow sdk-tool graphedit…and capturing works with mediaplayerclassic…you could have a look at the capturegraph and compare it to the one generated by vvvv.
tell me if you need more detailed description for those steps. or if you are near frankfurt and could come by with your card…
I think that the fastest solution for everyone would be to send the card to you. If it doesn’t cause more problem to you to spend time on this problem. But for One or two days we will try to fix it by our side…
uh. forgot to say: viewing Filestream with an Inspektor reveals another pin allowing you to expose the graph to the ROT. then you can connect to it from graphedit.
and i can only view the last of your images. adress seems to be wrong.
hm. no. where do you see the bad filters? actually that all looks smooth to me. the output is very strange… the graph is connected and runs…sou…
in graphedit when you rightclick the decklink source. is there any property page? i was hoping the screenshot would show a more obvious problem…
when sending me the decklink i should be able to figure out the problem. would need an sdi-source though…where maybe msberger could come into play? i’ll ask him…
there is an AVI decompressor filter however Decklink card is an SDI uncompressed card. If you can see in the first screenshot this capture card normaly need deinterlace filter only.
It is possible that I missed something…
When I rightclik the decklink source there is his propertie page but it is very poor. Only one Scroll menu which normaly display the video format. Nothing very strange.
in the dont work case above do you also get the denklink novideo image or just a black image?
the only node capable of generating that nice Decklink image i ee is the Decklink videocapture node - so the graph is up and running something in this node not set up properly? are there any additional control panels with that card? perhaps these can set some system wide default behaviour, like default input, ntsc/pal variants to use etc. ?
do the blackmagic forums say anything concerning the conditions where the no-video show up?
yes, we also get the decklink no video image when it doesn’t work.
we have tried every adjustments in the control panel Pal, NTSC, 8 bits, 10 bits… something is blocked because these adjustement doesn’t take effect with vvvv. It’s like the picture was freeze at start.
An other thing interesting is that when we plug a webcam we have the two device listed in the device pin of “video in” node but when we choice webcam it works and when we want to choice the Decklink device back this one is selected but in the video pin we have webcam video again…
I didn’t find BlackMagic forum
Do you think Cheater Node or Dscaler Node can help?
mediaplayer classic (mpc) allows you to choose a renderer used for display. go to VIEW/OPTIONS/PLAYBACK/OUTPUT and select: VMR9 (renderless). additionally select the radiobox: “Use texture surfaces and render video in 3D”.
VMR9 (renderless) is used for vvvvs videotexture node. VMR9 (windowed) is used for the videoout node. try both in mpc and see if they behave different.
didn’t find any useful information in the declink sdk. they are writing about the “noinput” image but only say that it appears when there is no valid input connected.
which input do you have connected when you say you don’t have your own SDI source?
which deinterlacer are you using in your screenshot above?
We have tried friday at a company who rent audiovisual devices (SDI so).
But these days we just made a loop with BNC cable. We can see that picture flicked.