I have an issue with the pre-release of Vvvv 6.7.
Anyone else?
A similar problem occurs with the latest version of GammaLauncher 5.2.3.
5.2.2 and Vvvv 6.6 works fine.
I have an issue with the pre-release of Vvvv 6.7.
A similar problem occurs with the latest version of GammaLauncher 5.2.3.
5.2.2 and Vvvv 6.6 works fine.
Sounds like a broken startup parameter. Check there args.txt file, they are separate for stable and previews. Also check what different nugets you have installed for stable and previews by clicking on show nuget folder.
Please start DxDiag
(DirectX Diagnostics Tool) with Win + R → “DxDiag” and post the “Display” page here. For me it looks like this:
Does DirextX11.1 show up in the Feature Levels?
In our code we check for 11.1, maybe that’s a bit too high and we could lower it. But first wanted to know if that’s indeed the issue.
Ok, 11.1 not showing up. We will try to lower that requirement on our end. Meanwhile you could try installing a newer graphics driver (if there is one).
Ok thanks for dealiing with it.
I will try to find some drivers
Upcoming preview (>= 6.7-0308) should fall back to Direct3D 11.0