I’m building a GUI for live sets and i have to face different problems…The first one is about antialiasing…I’m feeding a post-processing shader with a DX9texture (so i can’t use the inspektor’s antialiasing because of the depthbuffer) and i don’t know how to set the resolution of the original renderer, the DX9 texture and then the final output (working in spanmode) to get a clean antialiased picture(i tried some tweaking but can’t get a good result)…
The second problem is the postprocessing subpatch itself…I can control for exemple the enum of the techniques but when switching to fullscreen the enum doesn’t work anymore (then it outputs :(nil))…The postprocess subpatch is a part of a bigger one which include the create node system and a set depthbuffer patch (with set patch, etc.)…maybe it has to do with it…
problem: as soon as you go via dx9texture you’ll lose antialiasing. everything rendered to a dx9texture is aliased.
still you can set the resolution of a renderer or of any dx9texture (even independent of the renderer it is connected to) manually via the inspektor:
renderers have backbufferwidth/height pins. if they are 0/0 the backbuffer adapts to the windowsize, which is the default. note manual backbuffers only work for windowed renderers!
dx9textures have width/height pins. if they are 0/0 its size adapts to the backbuffer of the renderer it is connected to, which is the default.
concerning the second problem…
do you have a 3rd monitor on which you have the patch and see that the technique enum is nil? or how did you find out?
anyway this seems to be a bad bug.
Tx Joreg this is clear!!
So, is setting double size would work?
about the enum bug…i can figure it out by clicking on the interface and also when i switch to window mode again…
Using multiple passes instead of multiple techniques works fine…but the technique enum still displays nil when fullscreened…hoppefully it doesn’t seems to confuse the shader because of the only one technique by default…so let see what the futur brings…
Another fullscreen bug…using keyboard(systemglobal
) and =(string)
set to respond to space …working in windowed mode but not anymore in fullscreen…(if i take a look at the keyboard node the ALT is stuck in the output…)so i switched to =(value) with getting the spacebar keycode…now it works!
And by the way do i need a mainloop in my interface, and how to set it??
Ok, i was using beta 12…and i just tried different techniques enum with beta 13.1 and it seems to work now (for the postprocessing patch,i will try for others soon)…and performances are a little bit higher i guess…
Hi again,
i’m using set patch to enable (or not) the depth buffer but doin this result on a little flickering when switching patches…i can see the depth buffer working (or not) on the first frame…so my first idea was to use some fade2black between switches but maybe there is a trick to make set patch work in an efficient way…and i also wanted to know if the subpatche’s location of the main loop is important and again how to set it?
i am afraid switching the depthbuffer will always cause a little flicker. fading to black should be your best option.
“the subpatche’s location of the main loop is important”
not sure what you mean with that. you can place the mainloopnode anywhere. just make sure to only have one instance of the node. so you best put it in the root-patch.
how to set is?
however it suits for you best. which settings do you not understand? checked its helpfile?
i haven’t seen the mainloop help patch…but it says that filtered is default…but in reality its raw…Do i need to decrease the foreground framerate to 60 for exemple?
I’ve noticed some strange bugs using the mainloop node…Even if i save some values, when restarting my patch the loaded settings are always the same : 45 for the 2 max values and setted to raw…and sometimes (now i’m using only beta13) the asyncronous pin doesn’t appear…strange!
And the second thing:
when using create node u always need to save the patch with ID=O at the end in order to get everythings’ loading well the next time…So i tried getnode ID from Catweasel but i got a really big loading time…maybe that’s because i’m using twice get and set patch (one for depthbuffer and one for ID)…so do i need to concatenate them in only one patch and then get only one set and get patch for better perfs…