EDIT : VideoTexture/FileStream were still connected to each other, but not connected to a renderer.
Breaking this connection fixes framerate issue.
Video resolution is 4k.
Again: no issues in windowed mode (even when chrome-less fullscreen-scaled windows).
end results:
splitting the render across 2 GPU’s (rather than cross-fire on 1, we moved the 2 eyefinity groups to separate standalone gpu’s) solved the major issue above.
This could be for a number of reasons. I doubt it’s anything to do with ‘gpu load’, more likely the output canvas having issues when it’s vey large/irregular
end results:
splitting the render across 2 GPU’s (rather than cross-fire on 1, we moved the 2 eyefinity groups to separate standalone gpu’s) solved the major issue above.
This could be for a number of reasons. I doubt it’s anything to do with ‘gnu load’, more likely the output canvas having issues when it’s vey large/irregular