Pointcloud generation with kinect 2

Hi all,

I am totally new to vvvv, so I wonder what I need to install to the kinect2 with vvvv to generate and record a pointcloud.

I installed the

  • 64bit version
  • dx11 pack
  • Microsoft Kinect 2.0 Tools

the sdk for v2 is installed. But I am getting a lot of red nodes, such as player.
What am I missing? Any advices?


  1. you downloaded dx11 86 bits instead of 64, redownlaod 64 bits dx11 pack https://vvvv.org/contribution/directx11-nodes
  2. you missing some of the VC redist find witch on downloads Downloads | vvvv
  3. your beta corrupted when you unzipped (redownload everything unzip with 7-zip)

also suggest you quick look on TroubleShooting | vvvv

thanks a lot! I just reinstalled everything carefully and it works now!

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