PluginInterfaceV2 and pathes

started to work with the great PluginInterfaceV2. found somthing strange. if i declare a

[Input("Input", DefaultString = "",StringType=StringType.Filename)](Input("Input", DefaultString = "",StringType=StringType.Filename))
ISpread<string> FInput;


[Input("Input2", DefaultString = "",StringType=StringType.Directory)](Input("Input2", DefaultString = "",StringType=StringType.Directory))
ISpread<string> FInput2;

there a pathes in the InputPins.
See patch (23.1 kB)

ai phlegma,

actually we’d argue this is the desired behavior. since you define your pin as a dir/filename pin you get a dir/filename as a result. if you specify no specific dir/filename you get the path to the pin, i.e. the path of the patch the node is in. see?

in the related thread: Accessing (Parent) node properties in Dynamic Plugins - question - Forum tonfilm demonstrated what the string-pin actually does for you.


but it is a little bit confusing, if the DefaultString is set as String.Empty and there comes up a path.
Is it not the bettery way if somebody defines the DefaulString as Empty the Input Pin is empty, and if the DefaultString is not defined the path is written into the Inputpin. Also it would be nice that the path shows up in the InputPin in the Patch like is does with SetSubtype in the InterfaceV1.


our argument goes: an empty string of type dir/filename is defined as: the path to the patch the pin is in. so as soon as you specify the type being dir/filename you cannot really have an empty string anymore as that wouldn’t be a dir/filename anymore.

or do you actually have a case where this is causing troubles?