Play Video Problem


i’m a student and new in vvvv
i try to run a video, but it doesnt work. (see my v4p)
i see nothing.

also i try:

  • reverse the video
  • and disable/hide the video if its reach the end

and yes ;) i use google, searched in this forum,
but nowhere a tut or example which solve or help me with
my problem. i also find many things about filestream
but i am a newbie and doesnt understand a word.

please feel free to help me :)

video.v4p (6.3 kB)
Video File in here (671.3 kB)

set “Do seek” on filestream to 0.

video_0 (1).v4p (7.7 kB)

it doesnt work on my maschine :(
did you see the video?
any guess whats wrong with my pc?

except of -set “Do seek” on filestream to 0- everything looks fine and i can see the video here. Is the video playing in mediaplayer classic on your computer ?

i got win8 and classic isnt installed and in media player its works
do you think the codec is not on my pc?
(which codec do i need?)

so i am the guest ;)

i solve my problem
now it isnt a video, i capture my video to single frames
and convert it with: texture-converter

and then i do this (see my (45.4 kB)

Although you solved the problem with a workaround (not a bad one) it might be good to understand why it did not work.

I am almost 100% sure it is a codec problem.
Your little avi is containing a cinepak video stream. Cinepak Cinepak - Wikipedia is a very old and really outdated codec ( released 1991 !! ).
… where did you get this video from … ?

As far as i can see, there is no standard directshow cinepak decoder for 64bit available / included in windows.
On my Win7 system the video is playing without problems with vvvv 32bit but not with vvvv 64bit.

… let me guess … you are using vvvv 64bit on your Win8 system - right ? Did you try your patch/video with the 32bit version of vvvv ? Perhaps a 32bit cinepak decoder is still included in Win8 and this might work !?


;) i got it from the first google entry after i played piano on my keyboard. seriously i dont remember. the website seems very old, right.

aaah i see! it works fine with x86 - version !

thank you Markus and Sonostrano!