Following my previous post, I cant make this simple pipet + skia patch work.
Here is the patch : Pipet hell.vl (38.1 KB)
I just would like to have a webcam image adapted to the renderer windows, and a pipet picking the color realtime, to change the point color.
I guess there is a problem with coordinates. But since two days I cant solve it, what’s wrong ?
I struggle with simple datatype stuff like creating a spread of vector containing a single vector… So feel free to criticize everything, because it’s looks like stuff are not done the way it should :)
Indeed, a single value and a spread of one slice are two different things in gamma.
To create such a spread yourself, either do as it’s done in the recording (double-right-click and pick Spread, then the type of your spread) or create any IOBox and manually set its type to Spread<Float32> by middle-clicking it and writing the type manually (or using right-click/configure as shown below)
I’m trying to come back in vvvv world after years of pause. It’s not easy with gamma but time and pain will help ;) I followed the seven videos tutorial on youtube but obviously it’s no enough for me ;)
Thanks for your super tips “double clic + spread + a type” !
For the problem with Skia + Pipet : I noticed that my patch is actually working as expected (it’s not a corrdinates problem). But the color returned by Pipet(stride) are not the same the one diplay by Skia renderer…
On this patch, we can see :
With a texture coming from SkiaTexture : Color are not ok
With a texture coming from a fil (pipetheel.png) : Color are ok
I tried almost all the format in the list in the SkiaTexture node…
@joreg made a great introduction to gamma, that made it click for me at node 20.
it’s in the workshop bundle that is now free if you register at the node institute.
find “Introduction to vvvv for Designers”
A big thanks to @chk for the 7 tutorials, they are great + they are structured in a logical order + with this red background and white number, they are visible in the middle of all the ressources. Great starting point.
It would be super great to have more, I would love to help but I dont have the neeeded skills ;)…