Hi!I am trying to create PhysX analoge of Box2d plug in,but I have a problem with plugin structures.Here is my error/I think that it is wrong pointer but i never used vvvv before. screenshot:
this does not look totally wrong, the pins support inheritance. do you have errors in the TTY? or any exceptions?
tnx for reply,i’ll check for errors (i didn’t know about TTY)
wow, this is an interesting work in progress! :)
Keep us updated!
ok)… no text …
Great stuff guys!
fantastic… no text …
does it also work on ati cards? or is it proprietary?
seems by default it’s not run on ati cards.
sdk comes under eula license. it’s free but you must register at nvidia developer center and explain them why you need it. we’ll try to do vvvv plugin clear, but for now we can not share it(( hope we’ll can soon
it is works on ATI cards but with out hardware acceleration
yeah man. can’t wait to feed my GTX480 hehehehe
hey bo,
any updates?
hey tekcor.
no any, in 2011 we faced wrapper limits in most needed points for us and stopped any development.
guess many things changed since then
if you are interesting i’m able to share our old code, but with no any support from me unfortunately