Is this possible? I d like to add a close patch function to a GUI, it would be a bang that closes the patch.
deletenode (vvvv) ? Could you use this in a parent patch?
no that wouldn t work because then I d be left with the deletenode (vvvv) node open an dlogic to go with it.
I tried with the Kill node but I got a nice BSOD and my patch completely wiped out, I had to get it back with the .xml file.
I see. I had reliability problems with the kill node too so I shutdown vvvv with a batch file I made.
In it I have the command “taskkill /im vvvv.exe /f” and use the ‘ShellExecute’ node to run it on the bang.
Ok I had a few more run with the Kill node and now it goes fine, I ll take some more testing, thanks for the batch file idea.