Hello there,
This is on 2021.4.6. If you install a package that “does not contain a manifest”, vvvv cannot load installed nugets, and the VL Nugets menu cannot even be accessed.
Repro steps :
- Open the attached MyProject.vl and install the VL.DBSCAN nuget to make the patch work. All good.
- Install ImageFlow’s native runtimes (
nuget install Imageflow.NativeRuntime.win-x86_64 -pre
) - Quit vvvv
- Try to re-open the project by double-clicking the VL file : the nodes from the VL.DBSCAN nuget are red even though the package was installed earlier and working. If you go the Document menu, it indeed complains the package is missing.
- Click Dependencies/VL Nuggets, gamma throws the Exception “Package does not contain a manifest”, the menu cannot be accessed (full exception here)
- Alt+F4 vvvv, go to the nugets folder and delete the
folder - Re-open the patch : all good again
MyProject.vl (13.8 KB)