Speaking of OSC and TouchOSC, did anyone manage to send data to the iDevice without crashing TouchOSC? A reason would be to load a preset within vvvv and have its values displayed by the iDevice.
patrick: it works like charm list on touchosc on ipad, if it crashes means you have wrong message, or more then 1 same address on layout. However you can run 4v native on win 8 tablet, but it should be win 8.
Just came across your response antokhio. There’s only the Host and Local IP addresses, but I’m afraid I don’t get your point on wrong messages. Could you provide a Screenshot or example patch, please?
A tablet PC ain’t a solution for me :)
about your question you can store preset in lemur
this one on legacy osc encoder but if you assemble it with help patch and some layout.touchosc for testing string values etc would be cool.
Again, sorry for being late. As you may have guessed, a Lemur isn’t an option too. Apart from my trusty BCR2000, it’s only iDevices here. This may change with the availability of the Leap Motion though :D
Please see my attached patches for what I use to receive data from TouchOSC, based on strukt’s patch which you obviously know too and lasal’s PresetMaker. The preset part of it is alright for now, still I’d love to see how to feed data back to TouchOSC (without crashing it, that is) :)
If todomap only weren’t so tedious to setup, this probably might be easier …?.
m4d, answering my own question, Lemur (iOS) goes way beyond what TouchOSC is capable of, so I spent some time getting used to it and patched a Receiver and Sender module; a simple and flexible solution for basic Lemur control objects. Thanks for pointing Lemur on iOS out :)
And sorry for napping your thread, io.
There is a way to add custom layouts in touchosc on android. Its a bit limited and far from comfy but it seems to work.
Custom layouts in TouchOSC for Android - Martin Thoburn Weiterleitungshinweis
antokhio: good call there I thought they were some kind of native binary, i ll look into that, still what is stopping Touch OSC to code the Android import part? I am ready to shell what they ask for that (talking about mobile apps of course)
well hexler told me at LPM 2012 that he hates the android developing tools and sdk’s and it should burn in hell, so that’s why he abandoned the android version of touchOSC.
Now finally Hexler dived into Android and we can have nice clean layouts with labels and everything. WOOT!
But sadly I ran into a new problem. vvvv does not like if I move more than one fader at once. (Even worse: 2 xy pads at once.) If I do so the second fader will be stuck or update maybe once a second, sometimes even beeing stuck for several. First I thougth TouchOSC might be sending to fast for my Wifi, but then I tested with Resolume and it looks like the messages are coming in. Faders will get slightly laggy there when moving both at once, but still very acceptable.
For testing I used the touchosc-and-vvvv-version07.zip from hexler.com.
@meierhand do you see a difference here to using the old TouchOSC version?
using the old version i see that touchosc is not sending in bundles which can easily cause such problems. does the new version send osc bundles? if not by default you can probably configure that?
anyway with no bundles the solution is to set the UDP (Network Server)'s Queue Mode to Spread. like that none of the incoming messages is discarded and you should get all sliders updating smoothly.
It looks like the logic inside the example from hexler site simply gets stuck on multitouch. Dunno if it was built that way or if something in vvvv has changed since 2008… (Todomap does not suffer from the problem.) Using separate OSC decoders per axis for xy pads works flawless, dunno if its ment to be patched this way, but it does the job.
@velcrome Thx for your tip, I downloaded your message pack, everything sounds very promising! But where do I need to unpack the root of the zip?