OpenCV Node Documentation

Hi vvvvers,

I’m just playing around with the imagepack, and I don’t know about what half of the nodes there are about. Is there any documentation anywhere. I see that for the opencv homepage my knowledge of programming is not good enough.



+1… no text …

+1… no text …

many nodes have help patches (and many more help patches are coming with new release)
is that the best way perhaps? or you think there could be a different form of documentation?

I for my part love the help patches. I just didn’t even realise there were any, since I checked out the functions I didn’t have any idea what they are about. Erode, Canny, Sobel, Dilate…

I’m not too familiar with the OpenCV nodes but I believe many of them wrap OpenCV functionality rather directly so you may find it helpful to check the OpenCV documentation or other related opencv/computer vision resources.

For example googling “opencv erode”:

And the top result is a part of the OpenCV documentation explaining how erode and dilate works.

just found an interesting one :)
not sure if it can be ported to vvvv

Hey beyon, you are right. The OpenCV documentation is not that hard to understand. When I had a look at their webpresence I was a bit scared away by all that c++ talk: Image Filtering — OpenCV documentation But here seem to be tutorials that might be easier to understand: imgproc module. Image Processing — OpenCV documentation