Hey Joreg…
Ive actually been thinking about this alot.
Im not a typical vvvv user, Im 48 yrs old now, I discovered vvvv at around 33 when I was an AV tech, and fell in love with the grey quad.
Its only because I get (housebound) ill for around 3 months a year that I use the software to escape the boredom of my illness.
Ive never been much of a programmer, more of a “I know thats possible, how do I hack it together with anything I got” sort of person.
vvvv has made me realise more of what goes on now, and has made me buy a Raspberry Pi and start with Python. Anyways…
Some things I could do…to raise my knowledge…
read more Forum…I read everything…all the time, I often find even if I dont understand something the first time round,
it will make sense later.
Attend a node festival… (yup, I will do one day)
Watch more vvvvideos…the vveekend vvorkshops are great, but a large time investment…(but I got that)
There needs to be more documentation, help patches, greybook entries.
Then, I thought…
I need to actually meet some people IRL, who use vvvv.
So I went proactive in my area.
I went out and joined my local hackspace last week.
and on the first night, I showed around 6 people vvvv. I showed the stop frame animator who uses Blender a quick echo shader, the home automation guy a quick rs232 patch,
and an led guy the concept of spreads, they were all hooked with the simplicity and elegance and geekyness of it all.
They all surprised me by saying they had NEVER heard of vvvv before. 6 key members of a group of around 50 active members, who all talk alot, all share thier project knowledge on #Slack
now, all of them were familiar with node based languages, quartz composer, node red, processing, maxmsp, blender cycles nodes, and all manner of other softs
but not vvvv.
What do you do?
grin smugly at the fact you know of a vvvvonderful toolkit? and keep schtum?