just posting this in the hope someone has made a similar expereince:
I plug in the one VGA-cable, Laptop goes “Kaplumm (Hardware Connected)”, shows extended desktop on projector. Like, always. Normal.
I plug in the other VGA-cable (the long one, the one I need), Laptop goes “… (nope)”, and when I tell it to activate the 2nd display it totally and stubbornly insists I have three displays connected.
Yep, as if I’m running some TripleHead Setup. Now, I once did and the Matrox stuff is still on the system but how in the world can this be related to a cable??
oh, btw always a good idea to uninstall the matrox stuff once you have set up the triplehead, it does weird stuff to windows.
I keep the installer in my tools folder next to the vvvv folders. then I install it when I need to change resolution and then uninstall again once it’s done.
Probably not be related to the cable problem, but worth a try.
Thanks for the replies, going to try the Renaming!
Was the cable length, though. Lesson learned: those signals are not one-way. Ideally, a computer recieves a “Hey, I’m here, my valid resolutions are …” from the projector. But just not in a HD, longish VGA, shit-ass Vista Laptop scenario. So, yeah, it reverted to the last time it was explicitely told valid resolutions which was with a Triplehead.
Well, it’s a little fun installtion I wanted to do for a while and it’s in the window of an empty shop around the corner, so my solution today was to “fuck this, I get my real computer” :)