Offline CMS


I am looking for a CMS / Media Management System to distribute content to several terminal or kiosk systems.

_ Individual trees for each individual station

_ Content integration into defined templates, there’s no need for a brilliant online represenation…

_ multiple languages

_ As a supplement it would be useful if the individual pages or media elements could be extended with individual xml properties (tween parameters, autostart, loop, etc)

_3 Export a tree to navigation xml, text xml and content elements

_4 trigger the distribution of the content to the machines on the local network
(control extern pc via net use, copy files via rsync…)

We’ve done a few things with Typo3, but Typoscript and the intransparent framework of Typo3 gets on my nerves!

Maybe someone has a tip for a flexible and extensible CMS to start with. php based would be nice.


never tried it, but maybe kirby could fit.

Drupal… no text …

we have an inhouse cms for exhibits based on
, is easily installed with and can be extended with whatever you like. we do our text to texture stuff with this, basically our language backend.

uses sqlite
runs as service in background
can output xml
is fast as hell
does use almost no resources

to connect to it, i made a plugin in v4 which works according to our database structure…basically just some xml fishing


thanxs for the answers.

DRUPAL is a general answer… active admin looks not bad, but I have no experience with ruby. maybe worth a try.

how can i make something like the tree view in typo3?

is there something like the content elments in typo3? they are incredibly flexible to make trees.


can I integrate individual html5 pages?

Drupal 7 core
Views to query the central database
i18n to deal with internationaization
Views Data Export to get xml out of views if you need so

look a the templating system used by drupal (both for Views and for Content)

for media requirements have a look at Media, videojs, mediaelement

no need to distribute if it s local just use a server and many clients

if you go the Drupal route feel free to ask…

Hey guys,

i would like to reopen this discussion because a lot has changed in vvvv since this has been posted and i still have no idea how to handle a lot of content. :D

The question is what CMS would be best to work with VVVV and how do you use it?

Since there are new HTML Texture Nodes based on Chromium i was wondering if it would be possible to use Wordpress as a CMS but also to Layout the Content with Wordpress Themes.

It would be great to be able to create menues in wordpress, get a tree with all absolut html liks with styled content / Videos / Audio in Chromium to display in VVVV. Basically a way to remove all Layout and Content&structure work from VVVV.

I have no experience working with SQL Nodes. Any Hints on what i would need to read up and especially experience on working with different CMS’s would be great.

The Key idea here would be to make it easier for users to create interactive displays with interchangeable content. In the end it would be nice to be able to create Menue designs in VVVV that would instantly work with (if possible) wordpress.

The main reason im asking for wordpress is the amount of themes / Plugins it offers and that its easy understandable for authors.

Would this all be possible and easier with a different (free) cms?

Got it working with wordpress, have not figured out how the read out wp_menue but can read, sort by Cathegory open with direct url via html renderer/texture.

This right here helped me to figure out the basics:

Select (MySql Network)

So if I get this right, Using Drupal and SqLite would have the main advantage that it wont need a Server Process? Or are there key features like better support for media files.

I still like the idea of creating content layout in wordpress since its so easy.

Hey Gegenlicht,

just as an Idea to have a bidirectional communication.


→ with this api you get everything out of wp.

I think there is a restful api for drupal too, but with version 8 they will have it their core.


Hey Gegenlicht,

just as an Idea to have a bidirectional communication.


→ with this api you get everything out of wp.

I think there is a restful api for drupal too, but with version 8 they will have it their core.
