please consider that i am very new to c#…
i’m trying to achieve what has been discussed here http://legacy.vvvv.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=22&comments_parentId=29383&topics_offset=80&topics_sort_mode=type_desc and here http://vvvv.org/forum/unique-address-of-node-in-graph.
but with no luck so far. i would like to make use of the GetNodeFunction in a dynamic plugin. what i have so far, compiles properly.
using System;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V1;
using VVVV.PluginInterfaces.V2;
using VVVV.Utils.VColor;
using VVVV.Utils.VMath;
using VVVV.Core.Logging;
namespace VVVV.Nodes
[PluginInfo(Name = "test_path_Template", Category = "String", Help = "Basic template with one string in/out", Tags = "")](PluginInfo(Name = "test_path_Template", Category = "String", Help = "Basic template with one string in/out", Tags = ""))
public class test_path_Template : IPluginEvaluate
bool tof = false;
string tofu = "";
[Input("Input", DefaultString = "hello c#")](Input("Input", DefaultString = "hello c#"))
ISpread<string> FInput;
ISpread<string> FOutput;
private IPluginHost FHost;
//void GetnNodePath(bool UseDescriptiveNames, out string Path)
public void Evaluate(int SpreadMax)
FOutput.SliceCount = SpreadMax;
FHost.GetNodePath(tof, out tofu);
but as soon my mouse hovers over the outlet, i get the following error: “Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.” (Line 40, the one where GetNodePath is called)…
what does it mean? any help is very much appreciated. maybee i got the concept of the host completely wrong.
::also… how can i shorten links to one word?::