for the first time I’m trying to port a shader from shadertoys to vvvv.
As I’m not an expert in this field I just started comparing the code of different ported dx11 shaders to get a basic understanding…
the shader I am talking about is
I got stuck when I tried to find an equivalent for
thanks, that’s exactly what i tried to do, the code snippet that I posted was the un-ported original… I replaced all the vec3’s and the other standard stuff, but the confusion starts when texCUBE asks me for a “sample Cube” instead of a Vector/float…
I assumed (by looking at the other shadertoy ports) that the “iChannel” variables work as colour inputs in vvvv.
variable declaration from the original code:
uniform samplerXX iChannel0..3; // input channel. XX = 2D/Cube
thank you, that helped a lot! well, at least I thought so until i realised that the function call “texCUBE” still returns an error stating:
“intrinsic function doesn’t take two arguments.
possible intrinsic functions are
after initializing with
TextureCube c0 <String uiname="Texture Cube";>;
and having the meso cube map connected to the pin
the following line still gives me the said error…
nice, thank you!
I couldn’t find the texCUBE call in the cubetexture.fx and got confused.(so far this seems to happen a lot to me when it comes to shaders…) My bad. I’m gonna look through the file thoroughly and report back!